Tetris® games are one of the most popular video games of all time, conquering the hearts of countless players around the world. Born in Russia, it has since become a global phenomenon, a timeless classic puzzle game. It's easy to understand, addictive, and will provide hours of fun for both casual players and seasoned veterans.
I always thought I was good at Tetris, but when I saw some of the game gods on youtube, I thought I was wrong, I was stupid! !

Tetris® games are one of the most popular video games of all time, conquering the hearts of countless players around the world. Born in Russia, it has since become a global phenomenon, a timeless classic puzzle game. It's easy to understand, addictive, and will provide hours of fun for both casual players and seasoned veterans.
I always thought I was good at Tetris, but when I saw some of the game gods on youtube, I thought I was wrong, I was stupid! !